Registration Dates and Locations

October 17, 2024 - Vaughan


SkillsCross 1-Day Course

Fentanyl, Opioid Poisoning Response & Naloxone Training

  • Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the #1 workplace injury category across Canada and the globe, regardless of industry. While industrial environments may seem complex, reduce the risk of MSDs in those environments doesn’t have to be.

  • In this one-day interactive course, participants will learn how to identify and assess ergonomic risk factors in an industrial environment in order to gain a greater opportunity to prevent injuries. Participants will be trained on how MSDs occur, discuss challenges faced during manual material handling, and review strategies and design guidelines that can be used to develop corrective actions to reduce or eliminate ergonomic risk.

  • Module 1: Scope of the Fentanyl Problem

    Module 2:  Opioid Drugs – Basic Information

    Module 3: Origins of the Current Opioid Epidemic

    Module 4: Basic Information About Fentanyl

    Module 5: Routes of Exposure and Dosing

    Module 6: Review of Government Agency Guidance

    Module 7: Protective Practices for Workplaces

    Module 8: Decontamination and Disposal of Fentanyl Residues

    Module 9: Workplace Health and Safety Laws and Program Elements

    Module 10: Naloxone Training

  • Attendees will gain enhanced knowledge on how to best cost justify ergonomic improvement projects and demonstrate the value they present not only to improve the health and wellness of employees, but also how they can improve the health and wellness of a business.

  • Public: $395/Participant + Tax

    In-House: Please contact us