Registration Dates and Locations
SkillsCross 1-Day Course
Contractor and Project Safety Management (Federal)
This course explains “how” and “when” a party becomes a “Constructor / Contractor / Prime Contractor / Principal Contractor” under health and safety legislation; describes the differences between the roles and responsibilities of an “Owner”, “Constructor / Contractor / Prime Contractor / Principal Contractor”, and “Employer”; covers the fundamentals of a Construction Project Safety Management program for ensuring compliance with the duties of an “Owner” and “Constructor / Contractor / Prime Contractor / Principal Contractor” under the health and safety legislation.
You will gain knowledge of:
The roles and responsibilities of “Constructors” on “Projects”, and “Employer” in relation to contractors in non-construction situations
Relevant case law
The options for managing liability
Determining what to do to manage contractor and project safety
Contractor and project safety management methods
Managing project safety over the project lifecycle
The strengths and weaknesses of contractor safety prequalification, and how to do it
Important safety-related terms and conditions for construction and service contracts
Tools and methods for performance of a variety of project safety management tasks
Development of internal policies and procedures for project safety management
Module 1: Features of the Canada Labour Code Part II bearing on Project Safety Management
Module 2: Duties of Employers Under the Canada Labour Code Part II, and Implications for Project Safety Management
Module 3: Brief History: Government of Canada Realization of Liability for Contractor Safety on Projects at CLC-II “Work Places”
Module 4: The Problem of the “Owner-less” and “Constructor-less” Federal Project from the Perspective of Provincial HS Legislation
Module 5: Basics of Provincial Occupational Health and Safety Laws (Ontario) Relevant to Project Safety Management
Module 6: Provincial Workers’ Compensation Programs, and Implications for Projects at Federally-Regulated Work Places.
Module 7: Additional Considerations for Choosing a Project Safety Management Strategy - Impacts of Supreme Court of Canada Sudbury Decision
Modules 8 & 9: Exercises – Project Safety Planning
Module 10: Review of a Comprehensive Project Safety Management Framework
This course is for individuals that operate in both Federally (Canada Labour Code) and Provincially (Occupational Health & Safety Act) regulated workplaces. These may include, but is not limited to, construction managers and supervisors, property managers, maintenance managers and supervisors, project managers, owner’s representatives, architects and engineers, purchasing / contracting managers, and health and safety specialists.
This course was first developed in 1996. The curriculum was based on lessons from construction safety case law, legislative requirements, our own industry surveys, and emerging consensus with respect to industry best practices. The course has been continually updated and improved over the past 16 years. In that timeframe, CPSM has been delivered to hundreds of organizations and more than 7000 people. The methods taught in CPSM have been adopted by dozens of major Canadian employers and owner organizations that have taken the course, and are reflected in the project safety management policies and approaches of major governmental procurement and project management agencies, such as Public Works and Government Services Canada and Canada Lands Company CLC Limited; brand-name retailers such as Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited; major health care institutions in Ontario; some of Canada’s largest electrical utilities; and Canada’s largest municipal government agencies.
Course Approvals
American Board of Industrial Hygiene | 13.0 hours of technical contact time |
Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists | 2.0 points |
Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals | 1.0 CM point |