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SkillsCross 2-Day Course

Canada Labour Code, Part II - Hazardous Occurrence Investigation (HOI)

  • Occupational health and safety in federal workplaces are governed by Part II of the Canada Labour Code. The main objective is to prevent workplace accidents and injuries during employment. Despite these preventive measures, accidents or illnesses can still occur. It’s essential to understand your responsibilities and the steps needed to ensure the safety and care of those injured or at risk. In this course, we will review key principles of hazardous occurrence investigation in accordance with the Canada Labour Code Part II for federally regulated workplaces.

  • You will gain knowledge on:

    • How to conduct a hazardous occurrence investigation

    • Learning to follow a formal process to investigate an incident and document critical factor and drivers for the incident ​

    • The various roles and responsibilities performed by parties during the investigation​

    • How to interact and support formal authorities appointed to investigate the workplace incident​

  • Module 1 – Foundational Background​

    Module 2 – Investigation Procedure  / Establishing Plan​

    Module 3 – Establishing a Plan  ​

    Module 4 – Visit/Secure the Scene  ​

    Module 5 – Gather Information  ​

    Module 6 – Develop a Sequence of Events ​

    Module 7 – Analyze the Hazardous Occurrence ​

    Module 8 – Develop Preventative Actions ​

    Module 9 – Roles of the Committee in Hazardous Investigation  ​

    Module 10 – Case Study and Forms​

  • This course is for anyone in a federally regulated work place that wants to know or do Hazardous Occurrence Investigations.